



いつまでもエネルギッシュで若々しくいるために。 あなたのボディトランスフォームに必要な栄養素を配合したサプリメント、それが4Lifeトランスフォーム製品です。



Hydrolyzed whey and egg protein 

  • Supports lean muscle and burns calories^*
  • Provides 20 g of protein per serving*
  • Supports weight management in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise*
  • Supports feelings of fullness*
  • Features 2:1:1 naturally occurring BCAAs*
  • Activates the immune system within two hours with 4Life Transfer Factor®*1
  • Is university-studied^ and patent pending*


4Lifeトランスファーファクター® リヌーヴォ






  • L-シトルリン 1,580㎎配合(1日あたり)
  • NO(一酸化窒素)の産生をサポート
  • 高麗人参が年齢に負けない元気やめぐりの健康をパワフルサポート
  • 丈夫な体づくりをサポート




  • 不足しがちな食物繊維(キトサン)を補給
  • 栄養機能食品(ビタミンC)


4LifeTransform® Man

Men’s health supplement*

  • Supports energy*
  • Contains L-citrulline, Korean ginseng, and vitamin D3 to promote body vitality*
  • Supports nitric oxide production and male health*
  • Supports healthy cellular aging*


4LifeTransform Burn®

A thermogenic blend to ignite your metabolism and support calorie burning*

  • Supports thermogenesis and fat metabolism*
  • Supports fat burning^*
  • Supports energy*
  • Supports your weight management goals when combined with a healthy diet and exercise*



Weight management supplement*

  • Can assist in weight management if used as directed and when combined with a healthy diet and exercise*
  • May assist with blocking fat and carbohydrate absorption*
  • Supports digestive health*
  • Clinically shown to support healthy cardiovascular function*


4LifeTransform® Protein Bar

A delicious healthy snack alternative

  • Contains 15 g of high-quality protein
  • Is naturally sweetened
  • Makes a great in-between meal snack
  • Supports lean muscle in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise
  • Supports your body transformation goals in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise
  • Helps you hit your daily protein goals in conjunction with a healthy diet


Energy Go Stix


  • 活動に必要なエネルギーを補給*
  • アミノ酸ブレンドを配合*
  • マテ、ガラナ、緑茶などの植物成分配合*
  • トランスファーファクター配合で、健康維持システムをサポート*

Learn More


Double your body’s ability to burn fat*

Using 4LifeTransform Burn in combination with Pro-TF yields remarkable results. A preclinical laboratory study on the combined use of the two products demonstrates support for weight management, enhanced thermogenesis, and improved body composition.*


Your total protein infusion*

Transform your body with Pro-TF and live a youthful, vibrant life!* Every two-scoop serving of Pro-TF provides 20 grams of the most advanced and effective protein available to help you transform your body, optimize performance, and promote health. Pro-TF includes a critical protein source for your body plus 600 mg of the exclusive immune system supporting 4Life Transfer Factor in every daily serving.*

The low molecular weight Pro-TF protein blend was tested in an independent, preclinical university study and shown to significantly increase muscle protein synthesis (muscle growth) by 74% and was the leading whey protein in the following areas*:

In an independent, preclinical laboratory study, 4LifeTransform Burn was tested for its ability to incite fat burning and improve body composition in healthy but sedentary subjects who consumed a westernized, high-fat diet. The study demonstrated that 4LifeTransform Burn helps ignite the normal fat metabolism process. Results also showed a significant boost of these positive effects when taken with Pro-TF!+

Increased molecular fat burning marker by 50%*

4LifeTransform Burn combined with Pro-TF increased the molecular fat burning marker UCP1 by more than 50%!*


Meet our latest 4LifeTransform Challenge winners!

Women’s category winners:

Men’s category winners:


*Products support fitness and weight management in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.
1. Yu, L.; Iloba, I.; Cruickshank, D.; Jensen, G.S. Feasibility Trial Exploring Immune-Related Biomarkers Pertaining to Rapid Immune Surveillance and Cytokine Changes after Consuming a Nutraceutical Supplement Containing Colostrum- and Egg-Based Low-Molecular-Weight Peptides. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2024, 46, 6710-6724.
^In preclinical studies
†As observed in the pre-clinical research study conducted at Auburn University’s Molecular and Applied Sciences Laboratory in the College of Education, School of Kinesiology under fasting and controlled conditions [Mobley CB et. al., J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015, 12:14]. Actual results may vary.